Here's to the trailblazers and orginators.
The year was 1973.
A man named Jim Beck returned from Vietnam plagued by a host of physical and mental ailments that medical professionals at the time couldn't address.
Instead, he began his own research into natural remedies, turning most of his humble Utah home into a makeshift production facility.
Through trial & error, he created 40 formulations in his own bathtub, pioneering the first versions of our supplements that, over the next five decades, grew to the 900+ solutions sold around the world that you know and love today.
He noticed that these formulations had an immediate and lasting positive effect on how he felt, and his mission to help others achieve the same was born.

Our beginnings were built upon the belief that nature was the very source of healthy nutrition and held the key to wellness. More than fifty years later, our outlook hasn't changed.
Our purpose remains to inspire people to pursue healthier, better lifestyles one step at a time. In addition, our purpose is to support their goals with exceptional levels of ingenuity and innovation, using clean ingredients from the earth.